Saturday 23 August 2008

Ben Folds faked it for us

EVER the joker, BEN FOLDS has pulled another trick from his sleeve.

And this time he's taken a side-swipe at the download generation.

Ben decided to prank those pesky downloading kids by recording and releasing a
batch of joke songs - and convincing some of his online fan sites that they
were the REAL tracks from his new album Way To Normal.

But he got broken by eagle-eared listeners.

And now he's said that he mightiness even departure the fake songs - which were
recorded in under 24 hours on July 11 in Dublin - as a bonus CD.

Ben said: "We had a night to kill in Dublin and we just had this idea
that we would write new songs to the titles of all the songs on the album."

But Bizarre has got its custody on ane of the few actual copies of Way To
Normal - and we can report that it's a fracture record.

The album is a definitive 50/50 Ben mix of upbeat piano-rock and heartsick
laments to lost love.

Our initial favourite track is the amazing Brainwascht, as intimately as the more
affectional Cologne and Effington.

Ben Folds plays a one-off show - featuring the genuine tracks - at Shepherd's
Bush Empire in London on November 30.

Way To Normal is stunned on September 29

More info